Competence Area: Food Law

Competence Area: Food Law

Food law is an interdisciplinary field overlapping with consumer protection, prevention of risks and trade law in the broader sense. It is among the most dynamic areas of law. On 22 February 2019 a special delegated European regulation entered into force providing for stricter requirements for foods for special medical purposes. Moreover, some years ago, the legal framework for dietetic foods was restructured in the EU. Since 20 July 2016 the Council Regulation (EU) No. 609/2013 has replaced the previous EC Framework Directive on Dietetic Foods. The restructuring abolished the concept of foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses (dietetic food) and replaced it by “foods for specific groups” (FSG).

The range of services provided in the field of food law includes, amongst others:

  • issues relating to the delimitation of products from medicinal products and cosmetics and within the area of foods
  • providing advice on advertising and on substantiating health claims, in particular according to Council Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 [Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation] and Council Regulation (EU) 1169/2011 [Food Information Regulation]
  • representation before authorities in competition law disputes

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